What do I do if I don’t know my membership number when filling in my profile?
If you do not know a membership number it may be because your club or your friend’s club does not issue them. Calgary Ski Club does not have a membership number system. Leave this blank if you do not know the answer. You can still register.
How do I cancel from a shift?
We hope you will not need to cancel, but if you cannot come to a shift you have booked, PLEASE do cancel from it so we know you are not coming and someone else can volunteer in your place. To cancel a shift you need to log into the Volunteer Roster system as you did to sign up for the shift. You will see a list of the shifts you have signed up for and can cancel from there.
Do I need to work in particular areas?
Members of all the clubs, and their friends, are free to volunteer in any shifts throughout the Calgary New & Used Ski Sale. There are no shifts reserved for particular clubs this year.
Do I need training before my shift
For most shifts you will learn what you need to know at the start of your shift, so please arrive in good time. If you are working somewhere where it might be helpful for to review some information in advance, you will receive an email from your Section Head.
What do I do when I arrive for a shift?
If your shift is at Max Bell Arena, as almost all of them are, you need to go to the Volunteer Room when you arrive and sign in for your shift. Do not just go and start work or we will not know you are ‘on shift’.
What do I do when I leave a shift?
Go back to the Volunteer Office at the end of your shift and sign out. If you do not do so, you will not be credited with any additional time you may have worked.
Can I shop during my shift?
You should not be shopping during your shift time. You can come early for your shift (unless you are on the first shift of the day or before the sale opens) and shop, but please then sign in at the Volunteer Office in good time to start your shift. Once you have signed out from your shift you can stay and shop, but please take off your Volunteer t-shirt or you may be asked to do some more work!